Generic Care Instructions.

Our leathers are of the best quality. With good care, our boots will only get softer and more comfortable with time.

It’s best to remove the laces if you want a proper all-around glowing cleanliness.

Start with a good brush to clean off any dry mud or dirt from the upper and soles. Then clean with a soft slightly damp cloth, we like to use our own Victoria Boot Cream, but saddle soap is also great for a deep clean.

 Then finish with your favourite polish. We love our all rounder Victoria Boot Cream. After having tried many different products throughout the years, we have finally found this cream to be the best all rounder. It's the most effective way of cleaning, hydrating, softening and polishing our JO BEAR boots!

If you are worried about matching the colour of your model, opt for a neutral polish, which we always prefer, that will nourish, keep the leather supple and shiny, and keep the subtle nuances of the colour of our leathers still showing through.

For work boots and rawhide boots, we prefer Dubbin types of waxes and shoe balms. They are excellent to maintain a more rugged look, all the while preserving your boots from the elements.

For suede boots, start by cleaning off any loose dirt and grime with a medium-hard brush. An old toothbrush can come in handy for this. Use light brush strokes respecting the grain of the suede as much as possible.

The best way to clean suede is to get a suede brush that usually comes with various sides, including a harder brush and a soft silicon or rubber side that helps erase dirt and smooth over the nape to give them a nice finish. 

For tougher stains, suede cleaning sprays can really work wonders to revive your boots. Otherwise you can try cleaning with white vinegar. Take a clean cloth, dip in white vinegar and gently rub the stain by lightly dampening the surface. Patch test this method first though on darker tones!

We also find that on lighter suedes if you have an oily stain, a little cornstarch or even talcum powder can help absorb the grease. Once the shoes are clean, apply a suede protector.

A really important tip is to also wax the side of the leather soles. Although these are painted when we finish the boots, this protection often gets worn off with use, so it is really important to apply your shoe wax to these leather edges too to keep them water-resistant and make the leather soles last longer.